Sunday is a day that is divided, the people who think the week starts with a Sunday and the people who believe that the week ends with a Sunday, I tend to go for the latter and I think its because of my school days.

So this is what I have done over the last two weeks, I have been out with Laura to a little hidden away cafe called 'the Secret Garden Cafe' it is a really cute little cafe with amazing fresh food, For the size of the cafe it has a great range of locally sourced produce and fresh veg, I now can not wait to go there again.

I also went to 'The Circus Mondao' which had a two week stay in Newport, It had animals in the Circus which is a rarity these days, it also had a acrobat that looked like the actor who played Richard in Lost and was pretty much the best asset the circus had. Being the giant 5 year old I am, I just had to own a spinning light which I will end up giving to my Nephew. It was enjoyable enough though I have been to better: 'Uncle Sams American Circus' is amazing.

I also cleaned out my cupboard in my hall, I keep forgetting to take my re-usable bags when I go shopping and having to buy more. (If you are not in Wales, we have to pay for all bags we buy including normal plastic carriers and all money goes to a charity of the businesses choice) In the cupboard I have a shelving unit and 2 of the shelves were filled with bags filled with more bags, must have had about 150. So I sorted through them and (threw them away) recycled them. I only done this because for the last 4 months my husband has been moaning about the amount of space they had taken up. Upon showing him the newly cleared area he then decided that I had thrown (recycled) away good money, bloody men!

I have been testing a few lips stains in the last two weeks and have also done a lot of shopping, however my bargain of the week is the ben and jerrys, which at £1.12 I just couldn't leave any on the shelf, Cherry Garcia is my new favourite and it has started to be like gold dust to find. My husband on seeing me writing this post stated that I must be out of things to say, and I told him that I could quite easily write a paragraph on the importance on Ben and Jerrys in my life and that it was a pure bargain at the price it was, so I have only said this much as this is now just to prove him wrong especially after the above tiff!
I love watching  Films and as a chance to get to know my tastes I've decided to do a list of films I've watched this year and ones I'm looking forward too, with a little note as to why!

Seen Already:
Hansel and Gretal Which Hunters (cos it was good old fashioned rubbish but a good film)
Warm Bodies (cos It was a good twist on an increasingly boring genre, Oh and funny)
Croods (cos haha, it was funny cavemen on an adventure)
Oz the Great and Powerful (because because because becauuuuuuse, because fantasy is cool)
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (cos its highly funny and interesting and somehow nostalgic)

Can't Wait For
Identity Thief (Cos it may be crap but looks good)
Side Effects (cos it may be relatively interesting)
Jurassic Park 3D (just because I want to see a 3D T-Rex, who wouldn't?)
Iron Man 3 (cos Robert Downey jr IS Tony Stark)
Star Trek Into Darkness (cos the first one was surprisingly fantastic)
The Hangover Part III (cos the other two were grrrreat - Get it - Tiger joke)
Man Of Steel (cos it looks good and superman is being played by Humphrey from stardust)
Monsters University (Cos I'm a big child and I can)
The Lone Ranger (cos it Johnny Depp - Need I say more)
Grown Ups 2 (cos I have no life and imagine this to be me on a midlife crisis)
RED 2 (cos its action with oldies)
Percy Jackson Sea Of Monsters (cos i love fantasy - did I mention that?)
Cloudy with a change of meatballs 2 (cos I love my food)
Carrie (cos I wanna see if they have ruined it like a nightmare on elm street)
Paranormal Activity 5 (cos I got this far with them and want to see a good one after 2 crap ones)
Thor - The Dark world (Cos Hemsworth is GOD, not just in this film but forever)
The Hunger Games Catching Fire (cos may the odd be ever in your favour)
and Finally
The Hobbit - the Desolation of smaug ( Cos the lord of the rings and the first hobbit film were EPIC and Benedict Cumberbatch, That is all)

I love things that twinkle and glisten and glow in a warm way, this is why my house is filled with things that light up and cast a warm glow over the area. I'd rather have a lamp and a candle going than the main light. Above are a few things I have bought to aid me in my insane quest to only cast shadows in my house!
A lot may be different candles or just holders, but I love them all and if I could afford it I would more than likely light my house only by candle lights and fairy lights, alas eventually they would cost more as unless they are led lights or really really cheap tea light (and I love scented ones) they would not be cheaper than an energy saving and efficient bulb. The world is against my life by candle.

After being off work for 17 days and going back into one mad week, I can tell you that I'm not feeling great right now.

So I work in Tesco in one of the largest stores in the UK, I am a Team Leader on the Checkout and I deal with over 100 staff and thousands of customers in a week. Short of running around for both, I barely get a moment to sit down or take any stock. Our store which was expected to have calmed down now is taking on a mind of its own (fueled by the customers who visit it) and is increasingly getting more and more busy. I love my job and the challenges it brings, I do not however, love the impact it has on my body.

I am a large girl (that is not my jobs fault), I like my food. If anyone calls me fat I fully admit to being the only one in control of my body. I do however have a few health issues that may be exagerated by my weight but not created by it. A few weeks before Christmas I pulled my shoulder in work, Its still hurting and has even increased in pain. it has been almost 4 months since the initial cause and I now have cream that I have been rubbing in for a week with no difference made. My next possible move is an injection into the muscle that only has a 1 in 3 chance on improving it.

I have weak ankles, created from a injury when I was 13, my ankle could give way at any time or I may twist one at any time. This has led me to pull the ligament in my left ankle and twist it so hard it even dislocated. I have never broken either ankle and this is due to the high arch on my feet which makes it really hard for me to break them. This problem has not been helped by my weight, but once again its not the cause either and even if I was normal, I could still easily twist my ankle and when I was a normal size, I still did so frequently.

I fell on my knee onto solid concrete 10 years ago and it has never been right since, it frequently seizes up and causes me so much pain to unseize it that I end up crying. After a long day in work it hurts (and teamed with my ankle this is no picnic). I went to the doctors once and was told it was a genetic condition and was given some anti-inflamitory pills, which did nothing. It also took them 10 years to send me to physio for my ankles and with my shoulder now, I'm not really in any high hopes for a solution any time this decade.

My back is always in pain, even when I don't do anything, its all just varying degrees of pain. I suffer from asthma, which running around all day does not help, but it gets worse in the summer as the heat really gets to my breathing. I suffer from migraines which can lay me up for a day. Constant sleep issues to which I have now (after 15 year) been diagnosed with insomnia, but given nothing to help it. Due to the running around in my job I have developed plantar fasciitis, which is pain in the heel. I tend to have aches and pains, clicks and creaks in most of my joints and I probably have some form of arthritis, but I'm not expecting a diagnosis of any of my problems anytime soon.

So this is me, I live eveyday in pain, some days are easier than others and though I don't have any serious illness that is causing the pain, I wanted to let people out there know that no matter what has caused you pain, if you have any, you should not be afraid to say. I have friends with Fibromyalgia, lupus, early onset arthritis and many other difficulties. Their day to day life is 10times harder than me, but my pain is also 10times worse than others. Also don't be like me, I only go to my doctors when I can't take it any more, because they are inept and nothing ever gets done or I get fobbed off, don't wait or loose faith, your pain could be fixed with the right doctor!